Yay! It's time for the woods again....Sunday 27th October

Once again we are back in the woods at Bentleys Marsh Coppice on Sunday 27th October 10.00 till 4.00 for a full day of woodcraft, sifting bugs out of your tea and generally having a cracking time outdoors. There won't be a Scout meeting on Friday as this replaces it.

Please bring something to cook for lunch and some snacks for throughout the day.
kit required -  you will need to bring to this session a basic kit of fleece top , base layer,  tough outdoor trousers, strong boots/shoes, waterproof coat, work/garden gloves, hat, layers to keep you warm, all in a rucksack containing a drink, you will also need a  plate, knife, fork, spoon and mug, personal first aid kit and something to sit on like a camp mat or folding stool. We will supply bushcraft knives or you can bring your own locking/fixed blade knife which must be handed in to a Leader on arrival. No penknives or multitools. 

Bentleys Marsh Coppice is between Wigmarsh and Tedsmore. Copy and paste the links below for a map.
Follow the road  to Wykey from Ruyton XI Towns, past Packwood Haugh school, through Wykey and after a kilometre take the first turn right. Continue down this straight lane and Bentleys Marsh Coppice is on the right, look out for the sign. There is only a small pull in to drop-off in so a rapid turn around please, thank you. 

