Alas, our Scout coffers are empty again so we need to refill with lots of lovely subs - due at the start of term please.
Unfortunately after 16 years at £35 I have had to increase subs to £40 a term as we have struggled to provide our packed programme for the last couple of years but that works out to only £2.85 per meeting so still pretty good value!
For those of you who would like to pay by bank transfer please use the details below, paying particular attention to the reference as this lets me tie the payment to your Scout and prevents embarassing debt collecting emails when I don't know who has paid! I am still happy to accept a cheque (name on the back please) or cash (in an envelope with a name on please);
Account number 33377369
Sort code 20 77 85
Unfortunately after 16 years at £35 I have had to increase subs to £40 a term as we have struggled to provide our packed programme for the last couple of years but that works out to only £2.85 per meeting so still pretty good value!
For those of you who would like to pay by bank transfer please use the details below, paying particular attention to the reference as this lets me tie the payment to your Scout and prevents embarassing debt collecting emails when I don't know who has paid! I am still happy to accept a cheque (name on the back please) or cash (in an envelope with a name on please);
Account number 33377369
Sort code 20 77 85
When making
a bank transfer for subs please use the following reference system;
B, C or S
(for Beaver, Cub or Scout) followed by forename then surname i.e. CMaryJones