Here's more detailed directions -
For those unfamiliar with “Parklands”, the postcode centre for TF9 2LF, which will be used by most satnavs, is about 50m South of the Parklands entrance.
A more precise statement of Parklands location than TF9 2LF for use with satnav co-ordinates (or a paper OS map) is as follows:
Entrance is on West side of road at OS Grid SJ6548228708. Roadside signs will be on display.
WGS84 co-ordinates are N 52.87475, W (-) 2.51406.
Emergency contact on the day is via John D. His correct mobile (typo on original details emailed out) is 07940 718924.
Do not forget your permission to shoot form!!!
and finally, here's an updated squadding -