You are all well into getting sponsorship for your Shelterbox sleepover aren't you!
The charity Shelterbox provides help to people who have suffered from a disaster (and you would be surprised how many there are) by sending out large plastic boxes containing equipment that can help people - a strong tent, water purification kit, shovels, lights - things that enable a family to survive just after an earthquake, a flood or something equally as horrible.
At Boreatton we have had, over the years, cardboard box camps and have collected enough to provide several boxes. Some of our Explorers have just returned from Nepal which was helped in 2015 when they suffered a massive earthquake.
We need £590 to buy 1 box and we can do it with a little effort. Below are all the necessary bits and bobs - we must have an Activity Permission Form handed to us on Friday night, there is a kit list and another sponsorship form in case you haven't already downloaded one.
Don't forget, you will need to bring a large cardboard box to sleep in (or enough smaller boxes and tape to make your shelter).
Lets help this amazing charity !
We will collect all the money raised on Friday 10th February at the pizza making night :)