Back to Basics.....................Friday 16th September

I hope you are all ready for a term of activity and excitement after a few weeks off? 

As always, our first night back is Back to Basics - introducing our Newbies to Scouts, sorting out Patrols with new PL's and APL's, general admin stuff and then some games.

We can't go back to PGL yet as they are still busy so we will meet this Friday at the Methodist church hall on Tedsmore Road, West Felton, SY11 4HH, 8.00 till 9.30.

Full uniform please (we are Scouts after all!!!) and don't forget your subs - £35 for the term either as a cheque payable to Boreatton Scout Group or cash in an envelope with your name on it please.

See you on Friday and hopefully we will have the term programme finalised by then :)   
