March.....and lots of changes

My goodness!  March is here already.

We have a decision to make as a Troop - from the beginning of the Summer term (the end of April onwards) we have to change the day that Scouts meet.  Traditionally we have always met on a Friday evening, but our hosts, PGL, have told us that this is a nightmare day for them as most of their guests arrive then.  PGL are concerned that the local residents aren't upset by the volume of traffic on the surrounding small country lanes.  We are on PGL's site free of charge and they have been fantastic hosts over the years so we need to help them in return!

There are a few options for changing the meeting day, but we are limited to a Tuesday or Wednesday as all other days are taken up by Beavers, Cubs and Explorers.

Please take the trouble to fill in the form below and bring it to the next meeting and (in true democratic style) we will give priority to the majority.

Any questions at all please don't hesitate to contact me on 07733 189916.

