After winning the county Chess Championship again (strictly it was the District that won but all but one of the team was from Boreatton) we had our celebration meeting.
No cup to admire and drink champagne from (what have you done with it Pete??!?) so we made do with cans of sprite and splendid ChessCake...
Yes I think you have black on the run there, but who made the chess board? |
...super ChessScouts and silly ChessGames!
Silly ChessGames - TriChess and Crusher |
Then we gambled the evening away losing fortunes in Tugriks on the throw of an anklebone...
PS Crusher is where every 10 moves the board shrinks inwards and any pieces on the outside fall off. After 10 moves you are on a 6x6 board and after 20 the remaining pieces are crushed into a 4x4 board... TriChess is a 3 player game on the hexagonal board you can see in the photo and where you can gang up on whoever seems to be winning...