Judge Dredd(fully messy)

Is that Newton's 2nd or 3rd law?

Our proto-geek Science Book Judging Panel have been working hard - they will need your help towards the end of term to help decide who wins the Royal Society's Junior Science Book Prize.

It all started so well...

Here they are - as featured in the Royal Society's website (fame!) looking suitably academic holding their first meeting (down the pub - in the best tradition of learned societies!)

And then we started empirically testing the books...

...but it got dredd-fully messy when investigating the chemistry and physical properties of non-newtonian fluids (slime)! Oh dear - should have expected this with Boreatton Scouts...

After cleaning up, we have also been developing minimalist motors, observing mould and blood, and detecting anti-matter 

We believe we detected the gamma emissions from antielectron-electron pair annihilation using a radioactive source giving us a potential exposure of 1.0 BED (equivalent to approx 0.1uSv so well below dose limits for nuclear industry workers)... now how to stabilise the positronium...?

