So you think you know how an aeroplane flies? Open the throttle, pull the stick back, off you go? Now is your opportunity to find out how it is for real. Four pilots at Shropshire Aero Club have agreed to give up their time and money to take you for a quick flight around Sleap Airfield. If you fancy a go it'll cost you just £10 (towards the up keep of the museum).
Book here to reserve a place for a short while. Money and forms carry more weight though :-) Places are limited.
Please let me have a copy of this form with your money.
Prior to the day you'll need to understand the scout rules for access to an airfield. You can read the Cosford info pack here
You may well be able to do much of your Air Researcher Badge at the WARG Museum (optional). Check out the requirements here
Parents, and followers; there's a great cafe at the airfield, why not come and watch and maybe stay for lunch?