Welcome to all our new scouts who have crossed the river from Cubs (or life elsewhere). There's no going back now! Scouting is what YOU make of it. If you pay your subs, turn up on a Friday and treat it as a youth club, you'll probably enjoy yourself but it could be so much more....Almost every weekend there will be something going on, either in our Troop or within the District or County, if not check out the badge list, on the blog and set yourself a challenge. Of course when your new it'll all be a bit scarey but believe me life doesn't get any easier, so push yourself and take the risk, you may just enjoy it.
If your parents are reading this rather than you, you are failing on the first challenge :-) as you get older you should take responsibility for yourself, so getting organised for scouts is the first step;
What are we doing?
Is my uniform clean and ironed?
Did I sew that new badge on?
How am I getting there?
Do I need to bring, camp forms, money etc....
For your investiture you'll need to know the Scout Law and Promise. I assume you know the Scout Motto?
If your parents are reading this rather than you, you are failing on the first challenge :-) as you get older you should take responsibility for yourself, so getting organised for scouts is the first step;
What are we doing?
Is my uniform clean and ironed?
Did I sew that new badge on?
How am I getting there?
Do I need to bring, camp forms, money etc....
For your investiture you'll need to know the Scout Law and Promise. I assume you know the Scout Motto?