Pedalcar Championships Sunday 29th March

Driving licenses have all arrived, just need to fix the front spoiler and make new number plates. We'll be racing as car 58 this season. We will meet at the Enigma at Shottaton Crossroads at 6am.... so you think that's really early, in fact the clocks change on Saturday night so it'll be 5am if you forget to change your clock. DON'T BE LATE, we don't have any spare time.
You'll need to bring with you.
Rain Gear, Cycle Helmet, Trainers, Sun Glasses (just to look cool), Gloves, Plate, Mug, KFS to eat, Sandwiches and Jelly Babies or other energy packed sweets! Probably a change of clothes and a towel in case you are wet or sweaty. If you've got a deck chair please bring it otherwise you'll have to share.
We should be back with the trophy at 8-30pm but that depends on how long we stay in McDonalds on the way back.
We have a couple of spectators but room for a couple more. Let me know quickly if you want to come. Pete L has to buy food... There will be no charge but you'll need to buy your own McDonalds so bring a few pounds.
Please read the following document with all information we need for the day..
