Climbing this Friday 27th March..........

At last, we are back on track with the programme (and then we break up for Easter!!!).

Climbing this Friday at PGL.  We will have 2 sessions so you need to book for either 7 till 8, or 8 till 9.  There is a maximum of 16 per session, otherwise the instructors will be overwhelmed.  Please assemble 5 minutes before the start of your session in the entrance of the top sports barn (not at the hut).  Parents - please park in the hut car park and walk up, don't drive as there are lots of young people running loose in the area.  Please collect your child from the sports barn as well.

Dress to stretch - joggy bottoms, tee shirt and trainers would be good.

For a 7.00 till 8.00 ticket go to;

For an 8.00 till 9.00 ticket go to;
