Boreatton Rifles! Friday 13th June 2014

It's that time of year again - we need to have trials for the Boreatton Rifle squad for the nationals! As there are now so many of you, we need to split into two half troops - you will need to book a scout ticket to come and shoot at Leaton Hall Range (my house) either this week or next - the other week there are wide games as Pete has blogged. Check with your friends and book a ticket using the form below, and not the times are a bit different so I can split you into two groups so you get a good go at the shooting and not too much hanging about!
Note that you NEED A CONSENT FORM - this is a legal requirement not just a scouty thing!

Here's the ticket eventbrite thingy to sign up with!
(Don't worry about the date on the ticket, just the date on the title, Eventbrite doesn't allow two dates on one event).

And here's the form to fill in!
