Expedition Success

WELL DONE to the 11 scouts who completed the expedition challenge over the weekend. Hopefully there are some more photos to come but here's a few...
Lets Get Going!
Rendezvous at Colemere
Cooking Dinner
Outside Banquet (Only wine for the leaders)
Washing Up
Toasting Marshmallows
So the plan was to cycle 40km each day but the leaders had a suspicion you Saturday route was a bit long so I checked it on Memory Map. It works out at 56km!!! So overall you did almost 100km. Here's the map.
Day 1 Route 56km
Special thanks to Pete L for backup driving and water bottle top up. (It was very hot). From me to Rory for lending me his cool bike. To Shropshire Wildlife Trust for sponsoring the weekend. To Melverley village hall committee for letting us stay in the fantastic hall. And to Phil for turning up with a bottle of wine ;-)
And finally all the scouts for organising a great weekend and cooking some great food.
