Cycling Cyclops, If you poke their eyes out....

Going to do a bit of bike stuff on Friday in preparation for Llandegla mountain biking.
Hopefully finish off the cyclist badge for those who have done the 25 mile rides. A bit of road preparation for the Expedition challenge and then we'll go up to the barn to do some jousting. BRING YOU BIKE and HELMET if you can please.

Llandegla will take place on Saturday 5th April 1pm till 4-30pm.If your mum or dad wants to come with us, that's fine as it's an open public track, but we're not waiting for them, (please wait for me though, won't you). Alternatively there's a great cafe and plenty of tracks for walking the dog etc. If you need a lift or bike transport let us know in good time and we'll try and sort something out.
You will not be allowed to ride if you're bike isn't well maintained i.e. everything must be bolted on tightly, the brakes must work, the tyres must be blown up the gears must work, you won't manage without. You'll also need a cycle helmet. NO EXCUSES. 
I'll put up an Eventbrite booking when they fix it....
