Ace is High

There's no doubt why Phil had a communication breakdown. He spend his youth listening to music like this....

But now's your chance to be the Ace of Spades and WIN.

Firstly the District Photo Competition. Details were posted HERE
Those scouts who took photos on my phone can find them posted on Picasa HERE Let me know which one is yours and I'll send you the full size one for you to print for the competition.
Other scouts.....there's still time.

Secondly for scouts going to London there's VIP prizes to be won by completing the Big Bang Questionnaire HERE

Thirdly if you did the firefighting before Christmas but haven't completed the Fire Safety Activity Badge, this is the last week to complete the questionnaire as I'm going to post the answers next week. A link to the question sheet is HERE
OK so I guess the last one was earned rather than won but never mind.
