1. The Photographic competition is open to all Scouts in Shropshire.2. The title of the competition is Scouting Outdoors.
3. The Photograph must be 5”x7” Landscape format.
4. The title along with your Name, Troop and District must be written on the back of your photo.
5. The attached form must be completed and attached to your photograph
6. All entries must be to your A.D.C (Scouts) by 20th April 13.
7. Photographs with Scouts in must have Parental permission included in Entry form.
8. 1st Prize will be from Cotswold Outdoor.
9. The winning Photographs will be displayed at the county AGM.
10. Scouts who have gained there photographers badge whilst taking part in the Photographic competition will be presented there badge on the 5th May 13.
Ok so that's the rules.Why are photos still in inches? Answers on a postcard of 125 x 175mm Please!!!
You can find the form here and the requirements for the photographer badge here
BTW you can find details of all the activity badges by clicking the Badges! - what do you have to do. link up on the right hand side.
Please let us know if you are planning to enter it.