It's that time again! We construct a bridge over a cold, smelly, lava infested piece of water at Puggletown, make Alan wade around in the water for a bit till he is good and cold and THEN we make all the new Scouts cross over (symbolic of moving up to Scouts....clever eh?).
Meanwhile Phil will stay by the fire and cook some burgers - well someone has to do it!
Chances are you will get at least a bit muddy so either bring a change of clothes or a towel to sit on in Mum and Dads pristine car. 8.00 start at the SCOUT HUT (yes we are back in!!!!!) and parents please bear with us on the finishing time, we often over run the normal 9.30 finish as we are too busy hooning around in the woods.
Just a reminder for the Chief Scouts Gold Award group and any Scout who HASN'T been invested yet, if possible please come for 7.00 and meet up at the top sports barn (where we have been for the last couple of weeks). We need to go through the investiture ceremony before Scouts starts.
See you there.