Hit and miss

It's time to choose our squad for Bisley Rifle Championships again and we will run the rifle range at Leaton Hall again for a have-a-go to see who our marksmen are. There is a legal requirement to have your parents consent before shooting so you NEED to bring this form. As the range needs to be closely managed, I will be splitting you into three groups to avoid to much hanging about (hanging about means mucking about generally which is not acceptable on a rifle range). I will put up an event booking form with tickets for the three sessions soon so watch this space! Meanwhile here is the consent form to bring. After our trials, I will assemble the squad from those that are our best shots, most promising marksmen from amongst thopse new to shooting and of course the most enthusiastic who sign up for the remaining slots first! Meanwhile, it's a chance for everyone to try their hand at air rifle and air pistol (we now have a precision target air-pistol). 
Nearly sold out - that means everyone is wanting to come! If you want to come but can't get a ticket, give me a call and we'll slot you in to whichever slot is least crowded!

Click on 'more info' to see the times which correspond to the groups on the consent form
