Sponsored Bike Ride

It's about a year since we did our last little bit to support a charity. Has our Shelter Box been used yet?
This year I thought we'd support the Shropshire Historic Churches Cycle Ride on Saturday 10th September. http://www.shropshirehct.org.uk/rideandstride.htm That's at the end of your first week back but before we start back at Scouts on the 16th.
We'll meet at my house in West Felton at 10-00am and aim to be back for 6pm if the weather good. We can stop at the ice cream cafe and the famous Knockin s
hop along the way and see who dare ride through the ford. (It's deep). We can also hunt for a few Geocaches along the way if you fancy a treasure hunt.
You'll need to make sure you have a roadworthy bike. We may cycle a bit of canal towpath but you don't need a mountain bike. You must also wear a cycle helmet (Scout rules). Other kit required is on the forms.


Gnatty Vole said…
Eeere , whaddya mean the Knockin ford is deep ?.You obviously haven't noticed that it ain't rained much round 'ere and consequently the ford is about the size of a newts piddle.A large scout could drink the ford and walk across with dry feet.Honest.