Shooting racing boulders!

This week's troop night, 24 June, has evolved (see I told you the prog was flexible) into three parts... We need to register for the next National Scout Air Rifle Champs next term so I am holding a taster session for new scouts (and old ones) to have a go and find out what it is all about. (This is a troop activity for everyone that wants to have a go, not just those that want to be in the team.) We have to do this at the range at my place, and I need to split you into three groups so it doesn't involve as much hanging around waiting... I've therefore set it up as an event for you to register for (you need to do it or else I would need to phone everyone at least twice...) - three groups of 8 should do. Let me know if you want to come but the event won't let you! Don't forget a consent form!!! (no form=watching it from the side). You can register here (scroll right in the registration window to see the ticket box and register button) or go directly to the Eventbrite registration site (its the same but can see all of the form instead of having to scroll back and forth...)

Saturday 1pm -5pm is Bomere Heath Primary School fete - Bomere helped get the hut fund raising going and so we are running a bouldering wall at the fete and need scouts to do their bit for their community and come and run it! Free entry to the fete, and we will see if we can interest some Bomereans in joining us too!

Finally Sunday is the Scalextric for Schools national finals - see blog below - the museum is open to friends and free so why not come in uniform and support us! (sorry parents - car park is not free...) If you want to come and support us, fill out the consent form to bring along and let me know by Sat at latest
