They might be in Giants

Hope you all had a good first meeting and those in the shooting squad had fun, shot straight and hit the little gold/black round bits!
I was away having fun with a few old Boreatton scouts exploring (ok getting lost in) Carlswark (not really lost 'cos we've been there lots, but Mini was leading so we visited lots of the tunnels that don't actually lead anywhere...) and doing the round trip through Giants Hole in the wet - a seriously real cave! Here's a vid of us in the caves - the photos are in my public web albums (follow the useful link)

Come and see next time! All the older scouts that come to SSGMG meetings are invited and it's great (see vid!) Next year we'll be in S Wales and do OFD1 and may join up with the Leicester explorers that helped us explore Giants Hole...
Here's a slightly slicker vid by someone using a low light cam more like my astro camera, doing the same route we went through...


Anonymous said…
Hum, Just realised my weird firefox type browser (Orca) doesn't show any videos. Not even a missing link....
AND why does blogger spell check in US English?
serves you right for using dodgy freeware! Its a really great video! (Actually - you can find it in the Al's public photos link....)