It's that time of year where we celebrate the triumph of parliamentary democracy and chemical pyrotechics. The cubs are giving us bangers so we need to be early and will meet at 6:00 ish at Leaton Hall to build the bonfire. We will host cubs from 6:15-7:45 so I expect the main rocketry will happen around 7:00. We will finish by 8:00.

I will phone our colour party and give details for the practice session which will be held at 12:00 on Saturday.
All scouts are expected to attend the remembrance parade on Sunday - this is the one occasion where I ask scouts to prioritise scouts ahead of crucial rugby fixtures/shopping trips/lying in bed like a toad/EVERYTHING ELSE so I expect to see you all at the Admiral Duncan Car Park at 10:15 ready to form up behind our drum corps. We are affiliated to the Royal British Legion which together with having the only drum corps in the county makes us quite unique!
All Scouts need to be smart with (clean and fully badged up) scout shirt, school trousers and (clean and freshly ironed) necker. Drum corpsmen need to wear the crossed drumstick badge and all rifle squad members need to wear their NSRA pin badge. All scouts should wear the RBL affliation badge. See me on friday if you do not have any of these.

I will phone our colour party and give details for the practice session which will be held at 12:00 on Saturday.
The remembrance parade will finish when we march back after the church service at about 12:00.