Plan B

It's always good to have a plan B! I've had a chat with our Kayak Coordinator and we agree that the Severn doesn't look good at the moment for inexperienced scouts, so we will be launching at the Queen's Head near West Felton and kayaking on the canal there. We will fit into two batches of 8 scouts at 10:00 and 11:30. Tomorrow (friday)I will phone everyone that has told me they are able to come, to let you know which group you are in. Don't forget to bring spare clothes, waterproof top (windblock) and CONSENT FORM (or else you don't go on the water), wetsuit if you have one etc - see the posting a few posts down the list to get the consent form.


Anonymous said…
hey alan jimmy here just telling you that if you need a hand to do any of robotics then i am here to help. just give me a call