Mini camp update - I'll do a proper blog soon, but meanwhile there're loads of pics in a public album as promised...

This week we are split troop again with those that didn't do rifles before half term shooting on Weds. I will need a new consent form (available as a useful form!) and will call those doing the small bore rifles as the shooting is split into two quarter troop sessions! If you do not hear from me then it's troop night as usual on Friday...
Finally, we need to fill out the judging sheets for the book prizes and are running out of time so I will try and convene the judging panel on Saturday (it's the only day I have this week!)
This week we are split troop again with those that didn't do rifles before half term shooting on Weds. I will need a new consent form (available as a useful form!) and will call those doing the small bore rifles as the shooting is split into two quarter troop sessions! If you do not hear from me then it's troop night as usual on Friday...
Finally, we need to fill out the judging sheets for the book prizes and are running out of time so I will try and convene the judging panel on Saturday (it's the only day I have this week!)