Pfhah! I got shunted into the wall as I cruised past the pile-up under a yellow flag, it smashed my track rods, and then the next corner was always going to be the end of my race... who do you think you are? Lewis Hamilton?
Anyway, long walks back to the pit lane aside, we all had a great time as usual - thanks to Rick and the Cubs for organising it!
Here's some pics...

The scouts line up (?) after the formation lap (well its par for the course if you've ever seen them form up in their patrols for flag break!)
Anyway, long walks back to the pit lane aside, we all had a great time as usual - thanks to Rick and the Cubs for organising it!
Here's some pics...
Pit lane
The scouts line up (?) after the formation lap (well its par for the course if you've ever seen them form up in their patrols for flag break!)
...and they're off!
"The finish line's that way!" "No - it's this way!" (...I know I havn't done much compass skills with them but I didn't think they'd get lost around the race track...)
that's better...
Taking the chequered flag!