Spring – the season of ice and mud! – my favourite! (hmmm…. That sounds familiar) Here’s the first go at the programme - it’s still to be confirmed for a number of the evenings so as usual, the programme is quite speculative (flexible sounds better) at present and this is my best shot so far… (subject to being completely different later on… – as last term, we will keep you updated!) The blog seemed to work last term so we will continue with a web only service except those that cannot readily access me from home – let me know if you can’t see the blog and I’ll put you on my luddite list… Meanwhile, I’ll pop this on soon (promise) - its
18/01/08 Welcome back and welcome to new scout! It’s a short term this term, so we will kick off with Idris’s introduction to caving with help from our more experienced cavers in preparation for going underground in a couple of week! (hope you like the Carlswark report on the blog!). We also need to plan the metaphorical crossing of the river of experience from cubiness to scoutdom (real bridge and river as metaphor for river of experience so I guess that makes it a meta-metaphor!)
19/01/08 5:40-8pm at Quarry Pool, Shrewsbury –
25/01/08 It’s our regular ceremonial so we will build the bridge you designed last week! This generally involves all the fundamental elements as we light fires for the bangers and get muddy (earth and water), and I shout a lot (hot air) – come dressed to enjoy them all!
31/01/08 Thursday - Caving and Diving (not together ‘cos that’s too scary!) We will have what has become a regular splash with the Wrexham Seals BSAC scuba diving club, and also Idris will be running a trip to Llanymynech as an intro to caving which is a great wintertime activity when its dark out. We started both these activities a year or so ago and they're great fun – everyone who does them want to do them again! As the troop has got quite big for these activities that need plenty of supervision we will split the troop and then swap round the following week. I will need consent forms filled out for them which you can download from the blog if you haven’t received one.
07/02/08 Thursday - Diving and Caving as above but swapped!
15/02/08 HALF TERM (already?) – no troop night
22/02/08 Hmmmm…. Its not actually shrove Tuesday but that was much too early this year – I blame the moon, so we’ll cook up some pancakes anyway as preparation for camp in the Easter hols.
29/02/08 OK This is the bit that has delayed the programme – I have not yet confirmed these events, but am optimistic (as I always am) that we can sort them out… Last term, you said you wanted to have a go at rifle shooting and we initially thought we could arrange this with the Air Cadets, but they have lots of government regulations and it turned out they couldn’t host us. I’ve been in touch with the scouts national rifle coordinator and he put me intouch with the NSRA, who put me in touch with a local club, who are going to see if they can host us and get back to me this week….. I will need permission slips for this too. Ho hum, what a lot of planning – it had better be good!
07/03/08 I seem to have drifted into involvement with all sorts of weapons somehow. Since our try it last year I have got involved with Oswestry Fencing Club, and I have now completed my training to be a qualified coach with England Fencing, so to celebrate I thought I’d practice on you! (well if it all goes horribly wrong and we lose a few, there is a long waiting list (only kidding)). Its good exercise and you get to hit each other with swords – much better than the gym! The planning problem is that the various certificates are taking a long time to come through so if I’m not formally signed up we will get the Oswestry club to come out and help us
14/03/08 End of term – Alan’s surprise night. Ha ha - I’ve just seen the cub programme for Biz and they got away with this so why can’t I (it means they havn’t planned it yet). Actually, I have a few things lined up but we may need to use them if the rifles can’t be scheduled in time so I’ll update this nearer the time – unless you have any programme ideas that you’d really like to do?
21/03/08 Good Friday – it’s the holidays already! No troop night
We’ve a couple of other ideas to discuss with PLs and if you have any questions/suggestions (or if parents just want to join in) then contact me on 01939 291352 or on the mobile during troop meetings 07976 633524 or Ian on 01939 260153 / 07958 267599
Alan Herbert and Ian Gunton
Spring Camp 2008
Will be 4-6 April at Pencarnan Camp site in Westest Wales – beyond St David’s (which means very close to St David’s as there isn’t much beyond to go to!). It should be bracing! And the Jet boats just looked fun… Its with VentureJet – see
It’s at the end of the Easter Hols, but you’ve got a PD day to recover!
This is a pic of the beach at the campsite…
…and this is a jet boat!
OK - here are images of the forms you need soon....
Spring – the season of ice and mud! – my favourite! (hmmm…. That sounds familiar) Here’s the first go at the programme - it’s still to be confirmed for a number of the evenings so as usual, the programme is quite speculative (flexible sounds better) at present and this is my best shot so far… (subject to being completely different later on… – as last term, we will keep you updated!) The blog seemed to work last term so we will continue with a web only service except those that cannot readily access me from home – let me know if you can’t see the blog and I’ll put you on my luddite list… Meanwhile, I’ll pop this on soon (promise) - its
18/01/08 Welcome back and welcome to new scout! It’s a short term this term, so we will kick off with Idris’s introduction to caving with help from our more experienced cavers in preparation for going underground in a couple of week! (hope you like the Carlswark report on the blog!). We also need to plan the metaphorical crossing of the river of experience from cubiness to scoutdom (real bridge and river as metaphor for river of experience so I guess that makes it a meta-metaphor!)
19/01/08 5:40-8pm at Quarry Pool, Shrewsbury –
25/01/08 It’s our regular ceremonial so we will build the bridge you designed last week! This generally involves all the fundamental elements as we light fires for the bangers and get muddy (earth and water), and I shout a lot (hot air) – come dressed to enjoy them all!
31/01/08 Thursday - Caving and Diving (not together ‘cos that’s too scary!) We will have what has become a regular splash with the Wrexham Seals BSAC scuba diving club, and also Idris will be running a trip to Llanymynech as an intro to caving which is a great wintertime activity when its dark out. We started both these activities a year or so ago and they're great fun – everyone who does them want to do them again! As the troop has got quite big for these activities that need plenty of supervision we will split the troop and then swap round the following week. I will need consent forms filled out for them which you can download from the blog if you haven’t received one.
07/02/08 Thursday - Diving and Caving as above but swapped!
15/02/08 HALF TERM (already?) – no troop night
22/02/08 Hmmmm…. Its not actually shrove Tuesday but that was much too early this year – I blame the moon, so we’ll cook up some pancakes anyway as preparation for camp in the Easter hols.
29/02/08 OK This is the bit that has delayed the programme – I have not yet confirmed these events, but am optimistic (as I always am) that we can sort them out… Last term, you said you wanted to have a go at rifle shooting and we initially thought we could arrange this with the Air Cadets, but they have lots of government regulations and it turned out they couldn’t host us. I’ve been in touch with the scouts national rifle coordinator and he put me intouch with the NSRA, who put me in touch with a local club, who are going to see if they can host us and get back to me this week….. I will need permission slips for this too. Ho hum, what a lot of planning – it had better be good!
07/03/08 I seem to have drifted into involvement with all sorts of weapons somehow. Since our try it last year I have got involved with Oswestry Fencing Club, and I have now completed my training to be a qualified coach with England Fencing, so to celebrate I thought I’d practice on you! (well if it all goes horribly wrong and we lose a few, there is a long waiting list (only kidding)). Its good exercise and you get to hit each other with swords – much better than the gym! The planning problem is that the various certificates are taking a long time to come through so if I’m not formally signed up we will get the Oswestry club to come out and help us
14/03/08 End of term – Alan’s surprise night. Ha ha - I’ve just seen the cub programme for Biz and they got away with this so why can’t I (it means they havn’t planned it yet). Actually, I have a few things lined up but we may need to use them if the rifles can’t be scheduled in time so I’ll update this nearer the time – unless you have any programme ideas that you’d really like to do?
21/03/08 Good Friday – it’s the holidays already! No troop night
We’ve a couple of other ideas to discuss with PLs and if you have any questions/suggestions (or if parents just want to join in) then contact me on 01939 291352 or on the mobile during troop meetings 07976 633524 or Ian on 01939 260153 / 07958 267599
Alan Herbert and Ian Gunton
Spring Camp 2008
Will be 4-6 April at Pencarnan Camp site in Westest Wales – beyond St David’s (which means very close to St David’s as there isn’t much beyond to go to!). It should be bracing! And the Jet boats just looked fun… Its with VentureJet – see
It’s at the end of the Easter Hols, but you’ve got a PD day to recover!
This is a pic of the beach at the campsite…
…and this is a jet boat!
We can take a max of 20 scouts so its the first 20 to return the form to me...
OK - here are images of the forms you need soon....
Here's the SSGMG form for the caving and also if you come on Sunday's hike: