Now I have a captive (i.e. scout parent) mountain leader in Richard Parkes, we can do proper night hikes!
We will meet at or near the Ragleth Arms in Little Stretton at 7:30 to hike up to soup at the end of the Ashes Hollow - a good opportunity for the new patrol leaders to lead their patrols without leaders getting in the way! Also an opportunity for parents to visit the Ragleth Inn?
Richard is the leader of the SSGMG and will be responsible for the hike, with his explorer unit helping us for the evening. We expect to finish at about 9:30.
As we are 30 scouts now, I cannot provide transport for everyone, but I can help a few if you are stuck - let me know if you cannot find a lift.
Kit list is much as for SSGMG hikes - torch, spare batteries, warm weatherproof clothes, walking boots or sturdy trainers, whistle and compass if you have them (although I will make sure each patrol has these), emergency food rations (aka Mars bars).
PS. It won't look like this! ('til morning)