Lots of times and dates for the next week so here's some music to entertain whilst you figure out which ones are relevant!
Fri 9th 6-8pm troop night with cubs at my house for fireworks
Sat 10th, Drum corps and colour party meet at 11:15 at 10 Westfields Close for rehersal (colour party can meet us at the church at 11:30 if nec but it'll be nicer to march down there)
Sun 11th - Everyone at Remembrance parade meet at the Duncan at 10:10 we will finish about 12
Weds 14th 5:30 Ro-boreateers meet at Walford college Harris Centre (the new eco building) to look at alternative energy options in practice for the robo-project - I hope to be there, but I may have to be showing Brownies the universe for their stargazer badge in which case I'll get Phil or Ian to deputise
Thurs 15th - no drum corps - you deserve a day off after the parade, but we will meet again the following Thurs usual time and place
Thurs 15th - I have provisionally arranged for Dr Green who is heading up the robo-competition to come and see how we are getting on meet at my place 7-8:30 unless I update this
Fri 16 - troop night at PGL - Swimming practise for the swimming gala team(s) selection usual time, but be prompt so we get long enough in the pool!
Sun 18th Meol Siabod hike with SSGMG for hikers over 11 - see earlier post
hmmm.... busy week!