We Gardena in geardagum, þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.
On the whole the scouts are like Beowulf (but just occasionally I think they’re more like Grendel’s Mum!) The drum corps did heroically today (after what they will have to admit was a fairly dire rehearsal (phew! Right way round!)). Pity Phil couldn’t say the same – she did as well as at the last-but-one St Georges day parade when she took photos of her foot – this time she took a video which she claims was really good, then switched the phone off and told it not to save (I think she must have videoed her eye and didn’t dare ‘fess up!) Any parents got any photos you could send me for the blog?!?!?
Thanks to all of you that turned out for the remembrance parade. I know it wasn’t the best day for standing in the cold, but it does us good to think back to those who stood up for Britain against those who would force their ideology on us, and indeed, who are being asked to do so today – issues that you too may have to face in an increasingly crowded world.
But these issues have faced the people of these isles in every generation, and there are less serious ways to think about heroism – I thought that I would invite all of you who turned out on a cold Sunday morning to come and see Beowulf with me at 6:30 on Thursday (subject to confirmation of tickets) (hence the you tube above!). Its 3D too! Give me a ring for details (if I haven't already rung you). It’s a 12a certificate so if you are under 12, you can come, but you need parental approval (well you need that anyway!).