No not on the track - worse than that!!! my tablet crashed and burned and all the photos have gone to silicon heaven (sob!) Oh well - the karting was great as usual. Well done to Alex - new and super speedy scout! Bad luck to Jimmy - you'll have to borrow your brother's kart and practice lots to shave off that 0.72 seconds.
I'm sure that I would have won the adult's race if I hadn't made disparaging comments about the girls during the assault course earlier in the term as they took their revenge and drove me off the course on my flying lap (well it was quite fast.... - OK it wasn't quite in contension and I need to find 3.75 seconds )
Anyway - in the absence of my photos - heres an artist's (?) impression of Alex winning the trophy (I'll edit the blog withy real pics if they come back intact when the tablet is mended)